Nigerian and renowned Nollywood actor, Chinedu Ikedieze, famously known as Aki, and his wife, have welcomed a bouncing baby boy into their family. Aki, of the...
Highlife legend Kwasey Pee, clarified his statement by pointing out that celebrities who publicly support the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), which is seen as an...
Highsmith has played 37 games, averaging 5.8 points and 2.8 rebounds per appearance although he played just 3 minutes in their blowout home win over...
The Church of Pentecost, Bompata Area Head, Apostle Victor Akwasi Asamoah has advice young ladies who has under gone liposuction to be content with their God...
Today marks the 3rd day of Afua Asantewaah’s Sing A Thon Guinness World record attempt. And a lot of celebrities, Ghanaians and foreigners who are...
The Ghana Creative Arts Agency has launched campaign dubbed #Playghana# to encourage music producers and DJ’s to prioritise local music. The campaign is expected to boost...
Don Little is a Ghanaian actor and comedian. He was born on October 5, 1995 in Kasoa, a suburb in the Central Region of Ghana. He...